Nick Middletton, a geographer, with the autor of the notice, David Robson. They are in a library where discovered a travel books with some information of three countries, that they exist but are not recognized. These countries are: Atlantium, Christiana and Elgaland-Vargaland, that these places do not have the necessary characteristics to form a country. In this notice we go to explain the situation of Christiana.
Middleton became a geography with root of reading the chronicles of Narnia and started to investigate these cases of unidentified countries. For a region becomes a country must have certain characteristics:
A defined territory.
A permament population.
A government.
The capacity to enter into relations with other states.
There are 4 differents cases of countries that are not yet sure know.
1) LAKOTAH: It is in the central of United States, east of the Rocky Mountains with 100.000 of population. His situation began in the 18th century and in 1868 an agreement with the US government that gave the right to live in the Black Hills was signed, but there was a gold rush and the government forgot agreement
2) BAROTSELAND: It is an African kingdom is in Zambia and has a population of 3.5 million.
3) HUTT RIVER: It is located in western Australia, where farm families live.
4)FORVIK: It is located in the Shetland Islands(north of Europe).
And the most important are Christiana, is located in Denmark, is formed by a group of squatters occupying a former army barracks in 1971. In September of this year, they declared the independence, but the Danish government has turned something of a blind eye for smoking cannabis, that in Denmark is ilegal and Christiana is a marginalized population.
I think that these countries that I proclaimed in the text, they merit her independence because if doesn't properly, they could be an independence country to make live better.

4)FORVIK: It is located in the Shetland Islands(north of Europe).
And the most important are Christiana, is located in Denmark, is formed by a group of squatters occupying a former army barracks in 1971. In September of this year, they declared the independence, but the Danish government has turned something of a blind eye for smoking cannabis, that in Denmark is ilegal and Christiana is a marginalized population.
I think that these countries that I proclaimed in the text, they merit her independence because if doesn't properly, they could be an independence country to make live better.