In the coast of Western Africa, it found the Spanish island of Lanzarote. The large fields formed with lava and the volcanic geology, Lanzarote make it different to the other island. But today we will talk about that is under the dephts of the volcanic island. Recently an eerie statues found at the bottom of the ocean. Lanzarote it has become in the first museum of underwater sculpture in Europe. It consists of 400 statues, which are works of artist Jason deCaires Taylor, which it is know for the facilities designed in Mexico, the Bahamas and the Thames. This work is intended to spark a conversation.
The sculptures are constructed from marine cement neutral PH, which is a material that is kept in good conditions. This sculptures are meant to represent the relationship between humans and nature, and in another aspect the relationship between harmony ans art.
But they also created this museum to attract sea creatures, allowing the growth of corals to give new live to barren seas. Is a mueum that open to scuba divers and snorkelers to observe more closely the incredible statues. To make this work he was inspìred by The Rubicon that is a group of 35 human figures frozen mid-walk beneath the waves, that centres with the climate change and signifies the point of no return.
I'm very interested in this notice, because I don't know that in the dephts of Lanzarote that founs this museum of scultures.I would like to explore the bottom of the ocean to see the scultures.

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