diumenge, 13 de març del 2016


These photos are from May 2000. When my mother worked, she took me at my grandparent's house. She worked every day except Sundays, so the other days I stayed at the house of my grandparents.
I arrived at my grandparent's house at the 9 0'clock at the morning, and I ran to greet my grandparents. When I arrived, I had breakfast with my grandmother, and then used to go bought in the shops of the village of my grandparents, Vilamalla. My grandmother used to go to the butcher and at the mini supermarket. After we returned home with the purchase and I helped my grandmother to put the purchase in her place.
If the weather was good we went out at the courtyard, because it was a very large courtyard and I had a good time. In the courtyard, apart from playing with my toys, also liked was that I had to see the animals: hens, pigs, parkeets and dogs. Also I smelt the flowers that my grandmother planted in the garden, it was a very fond of flowers with differents species and colours. I sat next to the flowers and caressed, but sometimes I torn some. When was the 13 o'clock I had lunch, I liked much what my grandmother cooked.
In the afternoon we used to go at the park behind the my grandparent's house.I met with most kids of my age who were the granchilds of my granmother's friends and played together. When the sky started getting dark we returned at the house of my grandparents, and my father carried me at my house.
Here ended a day at home of my grandparents.

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016


These pictures was from September of 2005, when my parents brought me and my daughter in Marineland, a water park that we had wanted to go. 
When we arrived at the water park I remember that we took a photo with a parrot thta scared me. We entered at the park and we went to the area of swimming pools and the water sledges, my daughter and I get down even sliding down sledges and we dove underwater out there. My mother put we the armbands and the suncream and we returned to the area of the swimming pools we didn't want to lose time.
When we were dried, we went to watch a show that about dolphins whose jumped into a rings and dodged obstacles, and then we watched another show with a parrots whose answered the question that the assistant formulated. Finally we went to visited the mini zoo that had the park, there were parrots,turtles,parkeets, flamingos, ostriches, ducks and many other species.
The sky started getting dark and we had to leave the water park and returned home, we didn't want to leave the park we wanted to stay more time, but it was not possible and we left home.
It was an extraordinary day I remember that we had fun going down the sledges and specially soaked in the water.

divendres, 11 de març del 2016


When I was little with my granfather we came at the fields of olive trees in November for the collects of olives. This photos was in November 2002, in this photos I helped my granfather and her friends to collect the olives. While they were falling olives from the olive trees, I was picking the olives that was falling out off the canvas which they stretched under the tree with a type off wheelbarrow with a spiked wheel. The olives were stucked in the wheel and then I caught the olives of the wheel and I was putting in the basket and then my grandfather was carrying the basket in the car to brought the olives in my grandfather's house.
I remember that my grandfather had in the fields some firecrackers to scare the bids because they didn't eat the olives and this noise scared me, I went to collect the olives when the firecrackers was desactivate.
When he had an amount considered could started winnowing the olives and separeted them with the leaves with a machine that seperated the olives.
Finally my grandfather put the olives in water to cleaned the olives, then he threw the olives in a machine that grinded them, for the front of the machine the oil left flowing slowly and the rear part left the leftovers of the olives like the stones and the shells.
I loved helping my granfather and I always had a good time in the fields. I was very happy.


The first trimester of this year, with the subjects of biology and sciences of the earth, we went to the Lake of Banyoles to learning more about how it formed the lake and which is surrounded.
We arrived in the morning and we went at the lake, then the teacher of biology told us how the lake was formed and which flora and fauna lives there. After the explanation we went to a drinking natural of water and there we did try. It had taste of rotten eggs and I did not like much, but I drank a glass. Then they took us in front of a caves, there we had lunch and then we enter in the caves. The interior of the cave was dark and wet. It was very difficult crossed, because there were many rocks and had many obstacles. I was going very well until when I found a den of spiders and we reverse for found another fork for us to move. Finally we found a way out and the sun lit us.
For me this was the best part of the excursion, because we had a great time inside the caves.

diumenge, 6 de març del 2016



The coral reefs are locates in the underwaters, it have many differents shapes and colours and it ocuppy the 0'1% of the planet. These coral reefs are the home of thousands of marine species, specially this marine species uses the corals reefs to hide from the predators, to camuflage themselves or to hide from their preys. Many  of these marine animals have evolved chemical defences to protect themselves from predators. These marine species are fighting for a place in the corals, because are a source of food.
These powerful corals produce proteins that can may be the prescription of new medicines treat diseases like cancer, Alzheimer the treatment of virus and arthritis.Scientist have begin to collect thousands of compounds that offer the reefs and are puting on sale new market medication.
But we can't abuse of the corals reefs, because we put at risk the life of  many marine animals that serves as medicines.
I think that this corals reefs are the salvation of many diseases and it's good for the science and medicine, but we think with the life of the marine species, they can eat these proteins for cure themselves, and I think that abusing the coral reefs that could be a risk for many marine species that serves as medication.

dijous, 3 de març del 2016


The Thursday 4th of February of this year we went on excursion with the high school at the University of Barcelona (UAB), because it was the open day for those students who have not yet decided what to do in the future. When we got the bus dropped us at the entranceof the university and we went to the faculties that were realized the differents meetings about the careers we could choose to do. The firts meeting begin at 10:30 o'clock and we had to rush to get there on time. In this case we entered in the faculty of letters and philosophy because we want to go at the meeting of psychology. In the meetig they were told that this career and what subjects are needed in this case: maths and biology. They also explained that the issue of the home for college students offered apartments within the grounds of the center or rent out an apartment outside the university. The meeting of psychology was well, but the second meeting that we went (nursing), i don't like it so much, because the cut of mark is much higher at the psychology and I know that I could not become.
 In conclusion it was an interesting excursion because the meetings help us throw i some subjects and others.