This article was writted for Felisa Wiley
The air is a basic component in our lives as we breathe 3.000 gallons of air each day, but much of this breathed air is polluted due to chemical reactions or harmful materials such us: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead and particulate matter. Is bad for the humans to breathe air polluted, because, it can cause various diseases such us: asthma, emphysema and cancer, and environmental issues such us: smog, acid rain, ozone depletion and climate change. So any change we make can be small or big change something for the environment.
In 2012, 7 million people died due to air pollution, over half of those deaths were for stoves, open fires and smoking. For conserve our home to the pollution we have to eliminate:
- Chemicals released from modern building and furniture
- Combustion gases from fireplaces and stoves
- Chemical fumes from paints and solvents
- Gases seeping through foundation
- Mold and bacteria
- Chemicals from cleaning products
- Carbon monoxide fumes from garages
- Cigarette smoke
The most difficult to remove are the gases, because are invisible and can seep walls and under doors, thus the global air pollution is a threat to our environment. Among all we have still time to save the planet.
Here are seven simple steps to improve indoor air pollution in your home:
1) Open the windows as much us possible: because the fumes leaves your home and enters air fresh
2) Clean all filters regullary: air purifiers and vacuums will have minimized the emisions of air pollution.
3) Make DIY home goods that won't emit harmful chemicals: with a naturals candles or simmer pots the house will smell good.
4) Decorated your home with houseplants: plants provide a natural air cleaned.
5) Use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning supplies and low-volatile organic compound paints: anything that emits any odor.
6) Don't buy carpets: because the carpets retain moisture and we have to eliminate the mold and dust mites.
7) Get tested for radon: because causes aproximately thousands of lung cancer deaths.
I think that if everyone will put her support for create a new world we will can get it. We could live in a world free of toxic gases and possessed more important than our lives in danger.

I think that if everyone will put her support for create a new world we will can get it. We could live in a world free of toxic gases and possessed more important than our lives in danger.

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