dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2015
dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015
Over the last few years, astronomers have discovered thousands of planets outside the Solar System, which leads us to believe that there may be exist many hidden worlds. Nick Siegler, director of NASA, said that more than once they have become a question: Is there life in other planets ?, the probability increase, since there are many planets and it may be that one is a twin of the Earth.
Sara Seager, a scientist that searching for life in other planets, believes the key is to examine the atmospheres of alien worlds.Is discovered a device as a flower called stellar umbrella to help the search for new lives. This umbrella is designed to block the starlight, allowing the telescope to avoid the glare of the planets and reveal signs of extra terrestrial life. This umbrella it is 10 billion times brighter than a planet the size of Earth.They want to study the gases and chemicals from other planets to see their composition and whether it could breathe these gases, because you can not see with sight the planet, for fault brightness of light.
Astronomers have already smelled some planets, because when a planet passes in front of a star, the starlight penetrates the gaseous layer enveloping the planet. The molecules in the atmosphere absorb specific wavelengths of light, depending the chemical. By measuring which wavelengths are absorbed, astronomers can identify the gases.
If all goes well the NASA wants to throw in 2026 the first stellar umbrella and also a space telescope equipped with a chronograph that blocks starlight from inside the telescope, while it is now focused on finding Earth's twin.
This article and all whose theme the future are very interesting because they explain anecdotes about the future, as this article who want to build a stellar umbrella to identify signs of alien life on other planets.
Over the last few years, astronomers have discovered thousands of planets outside the Solar System, which leads us to believe that there may be exist many hidden worlds. Nick Siegler, director of NASA, said that more than once they have become a question: Is there life in other planets ?, the probability increase, since there are many planets and it may be that one is a twin of the Earth.
Sara Seager, a scientist that searching for life in other planets, believes the key is to examine the atmospheres of alien worlds.Is discovered a device as a flower called stellar umbrella to help the search for new lives. This umbrella is designed to block the starlight, allowing the telescope to avoid the glare of the planets and reveal signs of extra terrestrial life. This umbrella it is 10 billion times brighter than a planet the size of Earth.They want to study the gases and chemicals from other planets to see their composition and whether it could breathe these gases, because you can not see with sight the planet, for fault brightness of light.
Astronomers have already smelled some planets, because when a planet passes in front of a star, the starlight penetrates the gaseous layer enveloping the planet. The molecules in the atmosphere absorb specific wavelengths of light, depending the chemical. By measuring which wavelengths are absorbed, astronomers can identify the gases.
If all goes well the NASA wants to throw in 2026 the first stellar umbrella and also a space telescope equipped with a chronograph that blocks starlight from inside the telescope, while it is now focused on finding Earth's twin.
This article and all whose theme the future are very interesting because they explain anecdotes about the future, as this article who want to build a stellar umbrella to identify signs of alien life on other planets.
During the last two months of October and November there have been many earthquakes, that her intensity are between 1 or 2 in the Richter scale in a few kilometers from the coast of Roses and Sant Pere Pescador, are the populations where it felt the earth tremor.
The earthquake with the higher intensity was happened in the early morning Thursday 29th of October, for set at 01:37am, that registered 4'3 degrees in the Ritcher scale. That early Thursday, there was many calls in 112 and many of people they woke up because of the earthquake tremor,some inhabitants of these villages close to the coast had enough shocks and even this phenomenon fell some objects like frames and squares hanging on the wall, the cupboards where there were glasses and plates shivered, and many objects moved and embeded into the walls.
Seismographs not rule out that another earthquake happens this intensity because after this earthquake have been picked up many aftershocks.
The earthquake with the higher intensity was happened in the early morning Thursday 29th of October, for set at 01:37am, that registered 4'3 degrees in the Ritcher scale. That early Thursday, there was many calls in 112 and many of people they woke up because of the earthquake tremor,some inhabitants of these villages close to the coast had enough shocks and even this phenomenon fell some objects like frames and squares hanging on the wall, the cupboards where there were glasses and plates shivered, and many objects moved and embeded into the walls.
Seismographs not rule out that another earthquake happens this intensity because after this earthquake have been picked up many aftershocks.
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015
dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015
The Channel Island of Sark is a British crown dependency with 600 habitants, it measures only two square miles, but there aren't street lights. In 2011 it unveiled the world's first Dark Sky Island. Sark is located just 25 miles west of France's Normandy coast it has won the award, not only for the sky, but the efforts of this community to preserved their darkness. In 2015 it opened the observatory of Sark, for contemplate the sky stars.People take turns peering heavenward through a simple, sliding roof. From the island, you can see the Pleiades cluster in its full magnificence.
The ban on street lights means that any night-time walks are generally led by torchlight, while the lack of cars means people get around by foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriage. Along the island’s dirt lanes Sark's array have wonderful old buildings from grand 16th century manors to brightly coloured cottages and shops with corrugated iron roofs. Sark have a small island next to him, her name is Little Sark, where that have handrails were built by German prisoners of war in 1945 following the island's liberation from Nazi rule, people crossed due to the risk of winds blowing them over the into the sea on the other side.
One of the tradition of Sark is the "Veilles" that have been held for centuries, bringing islanders together on cold nights to share the warmth of a fire while swapping stories and other entertainments.
I think it's an interesting text because it gives us information from one part of the planet, thanks to its inhabitants makes wonderful.I would like to travel to Sark to enter the observatory and contemplate the starry sky.
The Channel Island of Sark is a British crown dependency with 600 habitants, it measures only two square miles, but there aren't street lights. In 2011 it unveiled the world's first Dark Sky Island. Sark is located just 25 miles west of France's Normandy coast it has won the award, not only for the sky, but the efforts of this community to preserved their darkness. In 2015 it opened the observatory of Sark, for contemplate the sky stars.People take turns peering heavenward through a simple, sliding roof. From the island, you can see the Pleiades cluster in its full magnificence.
The ban on street lights means that any night-time walks are generally led by torchlight, while the lack of cars means people get around by foot, bicycle or horse-drawn carriage. Along the island’s dirt lanes Sark's array have wonderful old buildings from grand 16th century manors to brightly coloured cottages and shops with corrugated iron roofs. Sark have a small island next to him, her name is Little Sark, where that have handrails were built by German prisoners of war in 1945 following the island's liberation from Nazi rule, people crossed due to the risk of winds blowing them over the into the sea on the other side.
One of the tradition of Sark is the "Veilles" that have been held for centuries, bringing islanders together on cold nights to share the warmth of a fire while swapping stories and other entertainments.
I think it's an interesting text because it gives us information from one part of the planet, thanks to its inhabitants makes wonderful.I would like to travel to Sark to enter the observatory and contemplate the starry sky.
In 1956 the scientist Warwik Kerr imported African honeybees to South America with the intention of breeding a more productive strain. Some of them scaped and raised with European bees, resulting a new specie.
In 1985 this honeybees began to spread until Mexico, and San Francisco. The Africanized honeybees acquired the nickname "killer bees" inspiring plenty of fear and many films of bees.
The africanized honeybees is smaller than European bees, for that reason they brings less venom.This venom is no more potent. This bees are more danger because they proceed more quickly, in greater numbers and with more stinging.This explains the agressive reaction that this bees have caused the death of 100 people over the last of 50 years.
Bert Rivera-Marchand an entomologist of Puerto Rico said that the Puerto Rican bees are slower to sting and do so less frequently, Bert he said that only they are defending their hive. Bees show significantly reduced defensive behaviour.
Then Bert with his colleagues demonstrated that the Puerto Rican killer bees behaved almost exactly like European honeybees.
Beekeepers are using local Africanized bees for in their industry and do not report problems with highly defensive behaviour.
In my opinion I think that Kerr was right to import bees from Africa to South America and we have known that other species of bees and how well they have learned things from European bees, and vice versa.
In 1956 the scientist Warwik Kerr imported African honeybees to South America with the intention of breeding a more productive strain. Some of them scaped and raised with European bees, resulting a new specie.
In 1985 this honeybees began to spread until Mexico, and San Francisco. The Africanized honeybees acquired the nickname "killer bees" inspiring plenty of fear and many films of bees.
The africanized honeybees is smaller than European bees, for that reason they brings less venom.This venom is no more potent. This bees are more danger because they proceed more quickly, in greater numbers and with more stinging.This explains the agressive reaction that this bees have caused the death of 100 people over the last of 50 years.
Bert Rivera-Marchand an entomologist of Puerto Rico said that the Puerto Rican bees are slower to sting and do so less frequently, Bert he said that only they are defending their hive. Bees show significantly reduced defensive behaviour.
Then Bert with his colleagues demonstrated that the Puerto Rican killer bees behaved almost exactly like European honeybees.
Beekeepers are using local Africanized bees for in their industry and do not report problems with highly defensive behaviour.
In my opinion I think that Kerr was right to import bees from Africa to South America and we have known that other species of bees and how well they have learned things from European bees, and vice versa.
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015
diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015
Once upon a time a sixteen years old girl was living with her mother in a big magic city.
One night the girl called Ysa had been invited at the party of her best friend. It was rainning a lot, and her mother said that she had to take care because there was a street where were living the women of the tooth pick. Ysa was going to the party, when suddenly appeared to her a small blue car. Inside the car was the women of the magic tooth pick. The car stopped and the women went up. She said: Where do you think you are going brat? Come here!! The girl began running, but the women removed the tooth pick out of the mouth and surrounded her with drooling, she caught Ysa and put her in the car.
One night the girl called Ysa had been invited at the party of her best friend. It was rainning a lot, and her mother said that she had to take care because there was a street where were living the women of the tooth pick. Ysa was going to the party, when suddenly appeared to her a small blue car. Inside the car was the women of the magic tooth pick. The car stopped and the women went up. She said: Where do you think you are going brat? Come here!! The girl began running, but the women removed the tooth pick out of the mouth and surrounded her with drooling, she caught Ysa and put her in the car.
divendres, 20 de novembre del 2015
dimecres, 18 de novembre del 2015
During this month of September has been a great mass of Syrian refugees attempting to enter in Europe and Greece is the country where else try.The reason why these people fled their native country, is because the wars that have been created between the terrorist band jihadist and France and EEUU that constantlybombard Syria. Living in this country has become and impossible challenge because the bombs and the fear while inside your house hear how are bombarding their country. This country has become a ruin; have destroyed homes, neighborhoods, cities, buildings and even sculptures declared world heriatge.
Becase of this many have risked her lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea with a inflatable boat or a boat made of wood not resistant the waves and sink quickly.
Greece is the country where most refugees come because there are many islands and is easier to enter the country. Those lucky enough to get to Greece alive acumulate in refugee fields of Greece and Macedonia. They take advantage when the police are not attentive to cross the borders of Balkan countries to reach their dream Germany or Austria. When these refugees have been crossing walkers months less developed countries such as (Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina). When they arrive inbut when they arrive in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, the borders are more controlled and grinds not stop crossing, make them stay there.
During these days that are stopped don't eat much anything, they have cold, and don't have much clothes wrap up in cold weather or change clothes if wet, the conditions are awfuls.
The European government decided to distribute the refugees in the differents countries of Europe.
Germany, Italy, Spain and France are the countries that host refugees further 59% followed that Poland, Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, Sweeden, Austria and Portugal. I hope that all these refugees may have the minimum conditions in the country that are affected and can live long miles in Syria.

Becase of this many have risked her lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea with a inflatable boat or a boat made of wood not resistant the waves and sink quickly.
Greece is the country where most refugees come because there are many islands and is easier to enter the country. Those lucky enough to get to Greece alive acumulate in refugee fields of Greece and Macedonia. They take advantage when the police are not attentive to cross the borders of Balkan countries to reach their dream Germany or Austria. When these refugees have been crossing walkers months less developed countries such as (Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina). When they arrive inbut when they arrive in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, the borders are more controlled and grinds not stop crossing, make them stay there.
During these days that are stopped don't eat much anything, they have cold, and don't have much clothes wrap up in cold weather or change clothes if wet, the conditions are awfuls.
The European government decided to distribute the refugees in the differents countries of Europe.
Germany, Italy, Spain and France are the countries that host refugees further 59% followed that Poland, Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, Sweeden, Austria and Portugal. I hope that all these refugees may have the minimum conditions in the country that are affected and can live long miles in Syria.

divendres, 13 de novembre del 2015
A mineral is a solid homogeneus that occurs naturally wich has been made as a result with the interaction of geological processes type chemical and physical. Each mineral can be formed by addition of another mineral.
The physical properties of minerals are: color( the color that present),thanks to color can sometimes more easly identify minerals, the sheen that can be(metallic,nacre, oily or cerium), the color line(if we draws a line any color), the toughness and the external form.
Minerals can be sort into 8 groups:
The physical properties of minerals are: color( the color that present),thanks to color can sometimes more easly identify minerals, the sheen that can be(metallic,nacre, oily or cerium), the color line(if we draws a line any color), the toughness and the external form.
Minerals can be sort into 8 groups:
- Native elements
- Sulfides
- Halides
- Oxides and hydroxides
- Carbonates
- Sulphates
- Phosphates
- Silicates
I really like minerals especially the colors, the shape they have and the tact that it had each, since I was little I collect it in my house. Is it in a shelves in my bedroom inside boxes and drawers specially for show it.
Say there are minerals that provied energy throughout the body and sometimes sell you because you feel better. This images are my collection of minerals:
Say there are minerals that provied energy throughout the body and sometimes sell you because you feel better. This images are my collection of minerals:
The two lifes of the leadings role are very differents, because the envioronments of two teens around us aren't similars.For example Chee Seng are a boy that her parents seperated, her dad left the house and her mum gets a depress, not having a family together makes that he is wrong, and Tracy has a family together, her mum helps her when she needs the mum's help, but a bad infliuence pass for her life her name is Evie, she brings Tracy at a world of drugs, alcohol and don't wanting to study.
Here we see that Chee Seng needs a family to support them because he study a lot and with some small resources he shoots forward, but Tracy that has a great family and many of resources he decide that enter in the world of drugs and disparag her family that Chee Seng always have liked to have this family, a family that ever hadn't.
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2015
Yestarday I was met with Pepe, Ballu and Timeea to went to the tunnel of terror as they every year in Vilamalla a week after Halloween.We arrived at the lodge of Vilamalla, and we got in line to enter. None of the four had ever been, but we wanted to try it. While we are lining we met Daniela, she had gone and told us scared and was very impressive. We had almost an hour longer tail and now we get played, we gave the entry at the goalie and told us that we came.
When we entered everithing was dark, almost didn't see anything, but we if could see that came scare: some screaming, others were telling us things and others were hidden and out of her hiding place when we spent.
All rooms that we are proceding are created with some room: there was a classroom, a kitchen a living room...
The boys and girls that was scaring were dressed up as characters related fear: evil clowns and girls, hysterical girls, girls of the exorcist...and some of them threw and bounced things on the floor.
Finally we find the exit of the tunnel of terror, we breathe deeply hurt by that time had passed and we decided that next year will repeat again.
When we entered everithing was dark, almost didn't see anything, but we if could see that came scare: some screaming, others were telling us things and others were hidden and out of her hiding place when we spent.
All rooms that we are proceding are created with some room: there was a classroom, a kitchen a living room...
The boys and girls that was scaring were dressed up as characters related fear: evil clowns and girls, hysterical girls, girls of the exorcist...and some of them threw and bounced things on the floor.
Finally we find the exit of the tunnel of terror, we breathe deeply hurt by that time had passed and we decided that next year will repeat again.
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