divendres, 2 de desembre del 2016



During the Kosovo war in 1990, many people had escaped from Kosovo for fear of death and the devastation caused by Serbian military forces, and they settled in refugee camps in Albania where many Albanian people were solidarity with his neighbour country by providing food, clothing and medical services.

The author of the new, Quinn Hargitai, explains that her grandmother host a Kosovar family in her house, but many Albanian families didn't have enough money to host a Kosovar family, however many families indebted and sheltered in their homes. The aurhor says that this desire is called besa, "that means to keep the promise and word of honor."The term besa is a code for the Albanians that it means to be generous and hospitable. If someone needs help, you are to offer him a place to remain them. This concept comes from a set of common laws called Lekë Dukagjini, created during the 15th century to rule the tribes of northern Albania.
Another laws called Kanun, say that before the house belong to the owner, it belongs first to God and the guests. Albanian tradition is known as strong tradition and hosptally, because the Kanun says that  you always have to a free bed if some guest appears you can host them. As well says Quinn Hargitai you aren't to force to follow the tradition of besa, but most Albanian people enjoy receiving guests at home, for them it is a point of pride.

But many aspects of besa have been losing over time, apart from the war of Kosovo, Albania suffered a crisi during the Second World War. It was one of the few European contruies that embraced many Jewish population, and even though the repression that offered the Italian Fascists and the Nazis, the Albanian people refuse to surrender their guests, because there was embarrassed to accomodate people that don't love them.

Recently Albania has again establish the besa to accomodate Iran people, and the country has expressed it's willingness to help Syrian refugees. Apart from these heroic cases, Albania is a small and poor Balkan country, and hardly receives international attention for its exploits. At this moment, the Syrian refugees are being rejected by all European borders, and it seems that many European countries have to learn from Albania and her hospitality although it is a poor country.

I think that Albania it's an hospitalary country, and many countries should take example from Albania, even a poor country with few resources, it tries to help at the most harmed people.



During this last year, the higher levels of the water caused one of the worst destruction of corals ever recorded in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. According to a study a 67% of the coral reefs located at the north of Australia it died. The bleaching coral begins when the water temperature rises during a temperate climate. During the February, March and April, the temperatures rose 1ºC more than usual, and the mortality of coral reefs was because this fact.
This coral bleaching occurs when transform sunlight into food, this leads to the aparence of white coral, which left without its main source of energy, as it becomes prey for other marine organisms such as seashells and starfishes.

Professor Hughes is convinced that the cause of rising sea temperatures it's because of carbon emissions and he warning that climate change could lead to a constant lightening. The most losses have been in the northern part of the island.

One of the arees most affected is around the Lizard island in far north of Queensland where the 90% of the coral reefs died. The Doctor Andrew Hoey affirmed that is very devasting to visit an area from 20 years you have to visit and now you see in bad conditions. On the Lizard island has been insatlled a scientific station that collects information from the coral reefs, and while we are pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere the temperatures will rise further and cause the extinction of the coral reefs of the Lizard island.

In the central and southern of Australia where the whitening isn't frequent, there are scientifics that begins to concern that as probably a few years may damage certain areas that currently are in safe. The Australian government has published a plan for sustainability the coral reefs and it promised that investigate the bleaching of the corals. This plan is created to help coral reefs that will more resilient to the climate change in a future and trying to reduce carbon emissions.

I think it's important to safe and conserve this protected area, because eventually the coral reefs are disappearing, but not only affect at corals, affect many other marine species that use the coral reefs  for a source of nutrients, for camouflage, to lay and save eggs and it disappearing the colours and forms of this spectacular coral reefs.



In recent years scientists are telling us that the world is becoming increasingly warmer. They warn that as temperatures are more warmer, the carbon concentrations will increase, and thus released amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, more specifically for each 1ºC will arrive at the atmosphere 55 billion tones of carbon.
These scientists say that most of the reserve of carbon are dissolved in the ground, and while the temperature increases and the terrestrial organisms will become more active and will cause an increase of carbon at the atmosphere, and therefore has been done studies how could decrease the concentrations of carbon from the atmosphere.

For this reason it's important that we are attentive when we hear the latsets news of the climate change, if we can't stop this threat has been estimated that within 20 years in 49 locations around the world, the concentrations of carbon decreases 55 million of tonnes, how more carbon is released from the earth, is causing more warming and the concentrations of carbon in the aire increase. In the carbon cycles, the soil acts as a reservoir where the carbon is stored in a state that doesn't influence directly in the global climate system.

This carbon trapped in the soil, because it is extracted from the atmosphere by vegetable organisms through photosyntesis, and in cold zones, it stored in the soil and minimizes the athmospheric concentrations. In the soils there are microbes, animals that lived under the soils and plant roots that using this carbon to accelerate its growth. if this organisms increase will consume grater amounts of carbon and it's release carbon dioxode a greenhouse gas.

A recent agreements created is The Paris Agreement was signed in December of 2015, where nations agreed to keep global average temperature rise below 2ºC of the permitted levels.

This feedback will exist, and may occur if fulfilling the objectives, but the magnitude of the feedback, and really can cushion these enormous losses if we reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

I think it's important to reduce this emissions and take care from as planet, to ensure a better life.

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016



This article was written by Claudia Fisher.

When the cold arrives many people start talking just eating and sleeping, teherfore the others interests leave and get the energy that helps us keeping our body. Also we try to take refuge in places where the sun beams us and always try to stay wrap up with a blanket to avoid having shiver from cold.
But the question that we ask are: Why when the cold approaches we have much hungrier than when we stay at summer?

One study has found that when the winter comes people increased their consumption of animal fat and lactic products. This fact made people feel more comfortable to dinner in a gloomy and cold night of winter, than a hot and humit night of summer. Therefore it investigated that everything depends on the temperature, when the temperature drops people are more hungry than the temperature rises.

The cardiologist of the University of Massachusetts, Ockene said that people consume on average about 86 calories diary during the autumn than in spring. He represents us as a squirrel, when the sun sets sooner we stay biologically forced to found for food and eat more fast. But is during the winter when we spend more energy than the body is used to, so that energy was absorb from the food to keep a comfortable temperature for our body.
During the Christams season isn't usually eaten indulgent meals, is eating meals loaded fat and sugar such as cookies, nougats, cannelloni, turkey and for drinking wine, champaigne, etc...

Another study have studied that the cold and dark days we are more rigid and uncomfortable, because the day is shorter and the sun sets very soon, and for fight with a dark and cold day we encourage to eat hot meals such as a soup or it is also found that most of the people for pass a boring day share this day with snacks such as sweeties.

I think that we should control our food during the winter, because it is the time when people usually gain weight because they eat without moderation is not very healthy food.

dissabte, 5 de novembre del 2016


This article was posted by Kelly Grovier.

This article explains that an English poet named William Cole, was doing a walk at the city of Norfolk one day in October 1799. Suddenly he was observed a rare phenomenon in the  dark sky. The appearance was so extraordinary that he was photographing the sky. 

Actually this phenomenon is called moonbow, rather a lunar bow, this phenomenon is formed when the atmosphere contains vapors wet, these flowing and the pale moon exhibits its lunar arc.

A final appearance on 18 October 2016, two hundred years after it's possible to observe a phenomenon that has many people never heard and much less has been seen, that it's confirm the observation that had William Cole in October of 1799. This week the social websites have been comenting the photo which was captured on 18 October.

The lunar arc is generated in the same way that the rainbow, but in the overnight, it's happen when the light reflected from the moon instead of shining directly of the sun, is reflected through  the rain or the fog suspending in the dimming atmosphere. His fleeting projection is more delicate than the rainbow, lunar bow doesn't show the full spectrum of colors and it appears colored with a white ice.

This strange occurrence has led many artists and painters to desing canvas and squares with the image of the moonbow.

I think that this new was interesting, because explains this phenomenon that was more than two hundred years that doesn't observed and since has appeared this year it is important to remember, because, because we don't know if we can see once more.

divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2016



This new was written by Kaylin Pound.

Each person has their own fears and phobias or nightmares with creepy characters that don't let you to get to sleep at night or you just produced an upset whenever you are forced to delve into the dark, you have to think and believe that you aren't alone.

The fear of the dark is known with nyctophobia it's a reality that is becoming incresingly more frightening, since many people can't get rid of in his life. It is verify that a 40% of the people are afraid to walk at home with the lights off and a 10% of the people don't dare to get out of bed for don't face at his worst fear.

Kaylin explains that she was afraid of the dark up to 24 years, but says that before bedtime she leave the lights turn on of the corridor, becuase still have the feeling of fear of the dark and worry about if there are monsters or oneiric creatures hide at home, because we know that there aren't exist and only can exist in legends or horror movies, but acording to the science to have afraid of the darkness indicate have an amazing imagination, so the people that have a wild imagination involve being afraid of the darkness as you imagine lurking creatures, monsters, shadows and all sorts of strange phenomens that don't exist, but your imagination makes it appear in your dreams and at and when you stay awake.

Acording to a psychologist, Thomas Ollendick children are who have the most creative mind, he says that always kids surprise us with the thoughts and beliefs, because they believe the impossible such that perhaps someone can enter and steal her favorites toys, so their fears stem  from unexpected things, therefore associate at darkness with imaginatives phenomens and this fact are creating a fear into the darkness.

Ancestors discovered that predators attacked during the night, so actually darkness give us a sense of danger, we aren't sure of stay save, at the time when the lights turn off to go to sleep our body create a situation of insecurity, and thus we cling to the idea that afraid of the dark like as a species.

As we mentioned another factor that makes us fear the darknes, for example in a sacry movie the frightening creatures appears when the sun sinks below the clouds and the moon appears, all terrifying scenes are recording at night and during the day rules the calm.

In conclusion I think that it's important to not imagine frightening thoughts when you stay lying at bed. The best remedy is to leave the mind in blank and bunch pleasent thoughts, but without crossing the limit of imaginig strange criatures, and if you believe that you need help, try to solve your crazy imagination.


Humor is an important physical state that consisting clear people minds with amounts of problems and negative things to have a little minute to disconect of work.

I think that if a person has humor it's an important step to get a positive mind to solve problems or to disconect of the rules that invade your mind. This is the moment when you are being with your friends laughting and telling new experiences or things that you want to share with them.

And the people who don't want to share with others to tell about what they did the previous it's probably that this person will be depressed or alone without nobody who hold them.

In conclusion I think that a person needs humor to lead problems and to clean minds with positive energy and to have good times.

dimecres, 12 d’octubre del 2016



This article was writing for Rebecca Clark.

This article it's about a pill called Adderall, also refered to a drug that may have probably dangers to our organism. Is better don't take adderall if you haven't a doctor prescribe, because an abuse of this drug can cause physical and mental problems, and others for example if this drug blends and reacts any other medication that you may be taking.

But people already know that this drug is bad like drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, taking hard drugs or smoking cigarrets is bad for us, but we also do it anyway. But this drug is somewhat different from other drugs that makes it special. Adderall cause effects that help you to concentrate better.

Rebecca says that at the university that she was studying during the midterms and finals, thi drug was becoming the friend of all students, because it helped us to focus helping students for study for longer periods of time, because we all want to get good results.

But people that ingest excessive amounts od Adderall don't know that they are playing with their own mental health have an effects on states such us anxiety or depression. Such us Rebecca that has spent five years taking Zoloft, a medication based on serotonin that helped curb the antidepressant states, caused she for have been taking endless amounts of Adderall during the university, and this drug has improved my mood, and she says that has been fortunate to haven't suffered mental illnesses, which are more deep than suffer anxiety or depression.

All these students who were had been taking the drug they feel proud of themselves for their struggle for not through a mental illness. She says that they are tired of finding a solution and being told that we must to hold on, because there are other people with more serious problems that they and would be grateful and we are exaggerating and we afraid that we will be ostracized and we preffer to keep us out of things. Some of us have bent the past barrier and now we have to focus to the future thanks the family to the understanding and support with the mental healt.

 I think if the peaople continues abusing with Adderall it will be harder to control moods and to receive a medical prescription to repair lives. My friend and I feel mocked with the people that take Adderall, because we can't forget when we took that drug and we would like to avoid it and I don't see how the this people must go through the situations that I had been gone.

I encourage people that will be think before ingest this drug that stopped to consider the negative consequences that can be bring the Adderall.

You choose your live and your decision. Think about it.

dissabte, 1 d’octubre del 2016


This article had been writting for Samantha Fryzol

This article shows us what are the things that we consider before to set out on an alone adventure, and so we have to learn some important advices and warnings before departure.


Before departure, you must be sure with the place that you choose, it's important to do a research around that place to make sure that it is a safe place. For example explore the language, the food, the culture, the people that live here and if you like the excursions or places for visiting.
It's important find out the place, because if you don't like the food or if you don't feel identify with the culture and the people it is better not travel there, because nobody is too much qualified for traveling alone.


Have saved your money before leaving your country it's an important fact, because think that you will be travel alone and you don't have nobody that can leave his money.
It's important to bring  more money that necessary, because is better to be left over money that lacks money. And also spend the money with necessary things and without wasting it.


To take an alone trip we can overcome the fear as it a symptoms that frequently appears at adventurers. Therefore you must know live with ourselves. This is the way to plunge into an adventures without fears and something that it are back up to this idea.
For example climb the Mount Everest, go on a safari in Africa, cuddle up with dolphins, tigers or exotic animals and delve into the Amazon rainforest are synonyums of adventure.


Keep the family informed during the adventure is more important, because they were  be concerned for how you should confront the adventure and what things you find by the road.
Therefore is important to set up a timetable to check in by each day and it is also important to put an alarm, because it's probably to get miss.


Surenly your family warn you from the dangers of a solo traveling, for example, never rely or accept drinks or another substances from strangers and if you stay uncomfortable is better to leave that zone.
But not always must be like that, also it's important make contacts and new friends from all over the world and talk with fellow travelers, it's important to strike up conversations to gain confidence with another people.


For visit a country is essencial to sign up with extraordinary excursions  that will be let you to know more the history of that country, also can you discover new exotic flora and fauna and news protected and privated routes that probably haven't seen.


Enjoy your time whithout constantly buy souvenirs for your family, because they will be love you although that you will be buy anything there. It's more important invest the money for another cause.


One of the things you usually do when you are in a trip is taking photos, some of them absurd and the others at a landscapes or a buildings to remember that trip.


If you stay nervous and you don't sure to do an alone excursion you can cange and do a guided tour group, so you can feel sure and you can make new friends.


Especially if you get lost during a route think that it's a part of the route, because you never  know where you will go and also it's a way to discover new uknown and magical places that nobody have to visit yet.

If you think that you can beat these ten tips  are you ready for begin an to begin a madcap adventure where there will nobody who can give you advices.

Are you ready for the adventure?

diumenge, 25 de setembre del 2016


I agree with the speech of this teacher that the students that working every day at every moment, who strives to get good grades, are the students who can will choose thei future, their future job and where they want to will be studying.

I think that all students are ability to study what they want to be independent. Only students needed one thing: to have grit and put the enthusiastically for solve problems and to overcome your goals. The most important is not the intelligence, because if you don't use the intelligence it ends, is the effort and dedication, so you can will make the best future for your life.

dijous, 22 de setembre del 2016


My dear teacher,

Hello my name is Guillem, and this year I'm preparing to leave the high school and begin another state of my life, study.
But now I'm focus to this year, because is the last year in my high school and the finishing of batxilleart. I think this year will be difficult, because teachers are coaching students for selectivity and syllabus are begining to spread more than the last year, so this year will be more difficult for me, but I want to put my best effort for lead my challeges taht will appear in my future.

When this year finished, I will be begining another stage of my life, that I mention the independence, because most of the students that will be graduate in the university, if is it far away from your home, probably you will be set up at student flat or a residence.

I would like to set up at a student flat, probably in Barcelona for make new friends, with no obligations and meet other students that will study the same as me. I have not yet decided that I will be studying in my life, but I would like Biology or Geology, because are the subjects that I am interest in and probably are the subjects less difficult for me.

I wish that my dream will become true.

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016


We have learnt to take better care of our planet. Do you agree?

During this third term we have learnt a lot about global issues, we make a presentations to the class about how to fight and the solutions of the global issues, also we watched videos and some pictures that it alarms us to protect the planet, and the teacher taught us how we save  and help the planet related with the topics that we had chosen for the presentations.

We don't agree with the sentence, because:
Firstly, referring to the sentence, actually there are a lot of people who continue polluting our planet, because they don't know the damage that they do to the environment. In many places around the world the people suffer from many diseases for live surrounded by garbage, toxic gases, polluted water and sometimes the water is stagnant for fault of oil that has been spilled at the sea, causing the death of many animals, plants and sometimes cause boat accidents, because oil is sticky and makes that the boat slip and can not be controlled.
Secondly, in the world there are still wars and dictatorships and these don't care about our planet, because wars wipe out many lives and entire countries, and dictatorships enslave a part of the populations to consider them inferior to others.
Finally we think that the polution has to finish in all it forms, because may be one day the planet would be extinct cause a lot of pollution that we produce every day. During these latest years the ice of the countries located in the poles is still melting and the sea levels rises, that this fact can caused the flooding of some cities situated a few meters above sea level.
We found a solution that consist in to get the peace in the whole world and accepted people as they are, make disappear the racial problems and coperate together to reach to the maximum peace between citizens of differents nacionalities.
 We suggested that a solution for this problem may be can be teaching people that they aren't throwing things into the environment, because causes some disadvantages against the whole planet and possibly hurt their live.


1) I can see an improvement on your level of English the past year/s? Where, for example? Yes, thanks to presentations that I had done in this cours, because I searched many words that I have learn, and the tasks which I explain things of my life, it helped me in the language constructions and the vocabulary that it's very important for English know new words.
2) Which activity best shows your level of English? The presentations and the tasks that I had done in the course, because I try to strain myself to show all the contents of the task or the presentations.
3)Which activites were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why? I think that the activity that was difficult for me to improve my English are the listenings and readings of PET o KET, because during listenings the spoker was talking very fast and with many difficult words, and readings are very difficult, because the options are very similar.
4) Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not? I don't have a activity that I hadn't learnt English, but if I have to opt for the videos, because are the task that we learn less English, because we don't use new vocabulary for make the video.
5) Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on imrpving your English? The kahoot and the presentations, because I had a good time when we are doing this activities, and for improve my English.
6) Open comments (...More ideas, suggestions for activities, suggestion for new topics...). I think that we have to do for the next year more listenings and readings for improve my level of English and do more plays related of grammar and vocabulary to practice for the selectivity.

divendres, 27 de maig del 2016


NAME: Guillem Palomeras
TOPIC: The poverty
STRUCTURE(10%): 10%
CONTENT(40%): 30%
LANGUAGE(15%): 9%
NEW WORDS: slum, trigger, dictatorship, lack

I think my final mark in this presentation is a 8, it's for me a brilliant note, because I was creative, I knew what we had to tell and I think that the structure of Prezi was correct. I think I have practiced a lot of vocabulary and language that is the part that I haven't controled very well.
Off the three presentations that I have made this year I think the most emotive for me was the last one The poverty, because with my friends of the presentation we have organized very well and we also understand well that is the most important for a presentation.


This day we got much earlier than the other days, because we had to leave the hotel and go towards León. We breakfast quickly and rose in the room to did the suitcase and then we get on the bus which took us to the village where it were the natural spot of Las Médulas.
The bus stopped in a farmhouse, there we were a bit in the courtyard, because there were many animals such as turkeys, dogs, cats, chickens, hens, ducks, fishes..., with whom we had a pretty little bit, especially with the turkeys that were most extravagants and we were amused.
Then we went to lunch and after a while we were resting on a terrace next to the farmhouse. Then we went to the meeting point of Las Médulas and the guide explained us what is Las Medulas, how it created and what it was found. On leaving the information point we headed toward the route that had Las Médulas. I put suncream in the face, because the sun was burning me and we started walking. The rute was made of reddish clay falling to the rock that formed the natural spot and was very muddy, so you get the shoes dirty.
The route was quite long, but it was nice to look at the views and cliffs. After the tour we went up a bit of Las Médulas with bus, because it was a long walk to do. We arrived at the cave of the natural spot and we entered. It was a damp, dark and narrow cave where we also found some bats are hidden. When we left the cave we walked to the viewpoint and we could see the entire natural spot.
Upon arriving in León, we acommodated in the new hotel and we decided to have dinner together. In León is traditional to go to bars and eating tapas, and we do this.
After dinner we went to a pub and we stayed there dancing and singing the music played until the time exhausted and we went to the hotel.

dimecres, 25 de maig del 2016


The alarm clock was ringing. Was the 7o'clock in the morning and we rushed to get ready to go outside the hotel. First we took a shower and we wore in comfortable clothes. When was aproximatetly 8 o'clock we got off to the restaurant of hotel where we had breakfast. Then we went outside the hotel and we walked to a vantage point where we could see the entire city of Burgos. The sun was shining, but I felt cold. We were walking for a little while, but the road becomes increasingly uphill, and was difficult to walk, because the night before it had rained and the ground was quite muddy and full of ponds. When we arrived in the vantage point we took a group photo and we spend some time contemplating the landscape. Then we got off and we went to the "Museo de la Evolución Humana" of Burgos. We entered and the guide gave us and explanation of the various stages during the tour would go find the museum and we enter an exhibition of objects found during the excavations of the land.
After the exhibition we went to the village of Atapuerca where we had lunch, and then we walked to the sites of Atapuerca. We put a helmet and we did the tour of the sites. Here they explained the part of the land and how was divided. Then we went inside a small caves where you had crepting, because the cave had little depth. Then we went to the park of sites where we did some demonstrations of how they made fire, how they hunted animals, how they buried the dead people and how they painted the walls of the caves.
Finally we arrived at the hotel again, and we dressed to went to dinner at a restaurant for the first time without teachers. We decided to went a bar for watched the match between Barça and Atlético de Madrid, and we was dinner in that bar. After we had dinner we waited the girls, and we went into a pub where we had a great time dancing and laughing all the time. We returned to the hotel aproximately at 00:30 hours and I went to sleep, because It was a very heavy day.

dilluns, 23 de maig del 2016


I woke up quickly and nervous, because I had to be at 5:00 am in the high school where we waited for a bus that brought we to Burgos. I got on the bus and tried to slept, but I couldn't, because we were talking and explaining things. When we took 4 hours in the bus we were realy tired and we started to sleep, because the trip was quite boring.
Finally we arrived at Burgos, the bus stopped us in front of the hotel which we stayed for two nights. We went up the suitcase in the hotel room and the teachers gave us a little time to rest and lain at the bed.
In the afternoon we went out at the hotel and we walked to the cathedral of Burgos, at that time it was raining as usual in Burgos because is a town located near Cantàbria and is a place where is habitual to raining. We arrived at the cathedral of Burgos, we entered in and we was listening the exposition of the cathedral. The exposition was very long and boring and we are tired of seeing the same in each representation. When we leaving the cathedral, they let us free time that we used to went to shopping and took something in a bar.
When we back to the hotel we found a carousel and we decided to got on and we had a great time. Arriving at the hotel we tell us where was located the restaurant where we was going to dinner that night.
When we finished dinner we went back into the hotel and we went to sleep because we were very tired.


Oliver Twist is an orphan boy who lost her mother in his birth and a nurse enbraced his to her workhouse in the slums of London. During his chilhood was embrace in different workhouses, but the owners and the boys that lived in they made an impossible coexistence: they bit him, sometimes don't give food him and they forced Oliver to work such as: stole a handkerchieve and a pocket book, and to break into the houses to stole value things such as gold chains, or gold lockets without any reward.
One day he and the boys of the workhouse went out in the street and stole a hankerchieve of an old gentelman, Mr Brownlow, who saw Oliver and made him sorrow. Mr Brownlow decided to gave at Oliver a house for live and he took him in her horkhouse.He changed her worn clothes and changed an another look. In this workhouse Oliver was treated well and he made much friends. But meantime the owners and the boys of the other workhouses pursued Oliver in the streets and forced to return to work with them, but he decided to spent her life in the worhouse of Mr Brownlow and his family.

dissabte, 21 de maig del 2016


In Friday 13 of May 2016, we went for a literary tour for Barcelona. The route consists in fout hours, 13 groups of three or four students formed as optional read books of Spanish subject during the second quarter.
My group was de group 5 formed by Marc Rodriguez, Aida Roig, Eva Sellas and I. We read a book called"Lo mejor que le puede pasar a un cruasán", a novel about a man who disappears and his brother made the detective and he is investigating until he finds her brother.
We started the route where the bus stopped in Plaça Catalunya, there we had to take the subway to reach in Barri Les Corts, the first stop of the route. Then we continued to walked to the Barri Les Corts to Sant Gervasi for 30 minutes while we walked we had breakfast and Marc and I were waiting for the girls that they went out to the shops. We finally arrived in Sant Gervasi and there I recorded my p fragment of work quickly and we took the subway to go towards in Passeig de Gràcia. This is the suburb where we stayed much time since three stops of the route are were located near the Passeig de Gràcia.
After recording the last stop, the Hospital Clinic of Bracelona, we went to look for the subway to Placa Catalunya, where we gathered all the groups with the teachers.
It was an unforgettable day, I had a great time with my dear group, because it was a long route but also fun because we had to record the different places before coming out to the novel described.

divendres, 13 de maig del 2016


 Eric Weiner
The author of this notice a few years ago he traveled to Iceland and he surprised to see it country was one of the happiest countries in the world. When I left the country, Iceland was suffered an intense crisis afecting mainly of the people,because many of them lose their jobs and the business that have managed. I supposed the happiness of the nation had plummeted, but I was wrong, the happiness was rose a 25%. The answer is that all those people who was affected for the crisis was helped by the rest of the population, since Iceland is a very united country and all cooperate together. Because of this facts, the country has very high levels of confidence thar isn't normal in many other countries.
According of a comunicate of the United Nations, Iceland is a very open society, instead in the Middle East and Latin America are the places where happiness stands less.
One of the most emblematic place for Icelanders are the Blue Lagoon, that they consider essential to get happiness.

I think that Iceland is a country of reference for all other countries, because happiness is very important for our lives, and more countries should exist to end social equality.

divendres, 6 de maig del 2016



This article was writted for Felisa Wiley

The air is a basic component in our lives as we breathe 3.000 gallons of air each day, but much of this breathed air is polluted due to chemical reactions or harmful materials such us: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead and particulate matter. Is bad for the humans to breathe air polluted, because, it can cause various diseases such us: asthma, emphysema and cancer, and environmental issues such us: smog, acid rain, ozone depletion and climate change. So any change we make can be small or big change something for the environment.
In 2012, 7 million people died due to air pollution, over half of those deaths were for stoves, open fires and smoking. For conserve our home to the pollution we have to eliminate:

  • Chemicals released from modern building and furniture 
  • Combustion gases from fireplaces and stoves 
  • Chemical fumes from paints and solvents 
  • Gases seeping through foundation 
  • Mold and bacteria 
  • Chemicals from cleaning products 
  • Carbon monoxide fumes from garages 
  • Cigarette smoke
The most difficult to remove are the gases, because are invisible and can seep walls and under doors, thus the global air pollution is a threat to our environment. Among all we have still time to save the planet.

Here are seven simple steps to improve indoor air pollution in your home:

1) Open the windows as much us possible: because the fumes leaves your home and enters air fresh

2) Clean all filters regullary: air purifiers and vacuums will have minimized the emisions of air pollution.

3) Make DIY home goods that won't emit harmful chemicals: with a naturals candles or simmer pots the house will smell good.

4) Decorated your home with houseplants: plants provide a natural air cleaned.

5) Use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning supplies and low-volatile organic compound paints: anything that emits any odor.

6) Don't buy carpets: because the carpets retain moisture and we have to eliminate the mold and dust mites.
7) Get tested for radon: because causes aproximately thousands of lung cancer deaths.

I think that if everyone will put her support for create a new world we will can get it. We could live in a world free of toxic gases and possessed more important than  our lives in danger.


A article writted for Alli Jutras

This article talks about a girl who begins to take antidepressant pills.
Nobody understands why I take antidepressant pills even my boyfriend who lives with me understand it. It's very easy, when you get hooked it's very difficult to go back. If I don't take my medicine, I'm feeling very badly and I'm going to have a shitty day. When I started the ESO I convinced myself that pills didn't help me and I stop taking them, but immediately, I returned to temptation, I felt droopy and just wanted to die.
This problem can be associated as something necessary for life, such as a diabetic person needs insulin to live, I need to live my medicines, unless I will crumble.
I started taking pills when I was 14 and a doctor prescribed me these medicines, I have to reach a point in which take 20 different types of antidepressant pills. I have seen the downfall of being medicated and I have seen the change of life.
I spent five months without taking medicines and I'm seeing that I don't take any depression I decided to leave it. After this stage I feel better about myself and I change my personality.

Here are four things I’ve learned after taking medicine for six years straight:

1) Some people just won't understand: Don't listen the opinions of other, beacuse you know you take pills, and you feels good to yourself.

2)Be careful about drinking: Make sure the limits of alcohol, because is possible create horrible effects.

3)Some medicine can make you gain a lot of weight: Do you get physical activity to conserve the weight.

4) Don't give your medicine to other people: Because not all people well digested my medicines and may have important reactions.

Never pay attention what other think, because you have to be you who decided to take pills or not and you shouldn't let anyone influence to nobody.